

Extensive continued urbanization of the central portion of the watershed has negatively affected Hyde Creek and its tributaries. These effects include increased channel instability and bank erosion, non-point source pollution and reduced low summer flows. The objective of the 2001 stream rehabilitation project - with assistance from the Hyde Creek Hatchery Group, Provincial Ministries, Fisheries and Oceans,Canada, and the City of Port Coquitlam - was to offset the effects of urbanization by reducing stream degradation as well as enhancing fish habitat.

Hyde Creek Before 2000 Restoration Project

This project was a continuation of recommended stream enhancements outlined in the Hyde Creek Fish Habitat Enhancement Plan conducted by Coast River Environmental Services Ltd. This phase of restoration was carried out from Coast Meridian Road to Hyde Creek Recreation Center and was conducted during the fisheries working window (mid August to beginning of September) in order to minimize the impact on resident salmon populations.

This phase of restoration covered approximately 800 meters in Hyde Creek. A total of eight pools were constructed along the channel length at about 30-meter intervals. In an attempt to recreate the structural complexity of natural stream channels, rock weirs were placed at the upstream end of each pool to promote localized scouring during high flows. Large wood was anchored in each pool to provide cover for juvenile salmonids particularly during low flow periods.

DFO Recreates New Creek Bed

Gravel was excavated from the creek bed to a depth of 1.0 meter below the existing streambed. Some trees were removed; however, large trees were used as root wads in the pools and were incorporated into the weir construction to help stabilize the banks at each side of the weir. Vegetation was replanted as necessary by the Watershed Society.

The construction of the Newbury Weirs and pools in Hyde Creek was completed on budget and within the fisheries working window timeframe (second week of August to first week in September) through the assistance and cooperation of the associated parties.

New Creek Bed Completed

An intake and connection point into the stream was also created and the majority of excavated material was used for on-site berm construction. Prior to instream enhancement and off-channel pond creation, little spawning habitat existed. Stream character included little variation and lacked pool-riffle sequences, undercut banks or large instream logs. The Hyde Creek Watershed Society successfully implemented instream habitat enhancement as well as pond creation that has been shown to be successful in producing large numbers of Coho smolts.


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